lo r d o f t h e r in k s
Iowa ice brings together a
neighborhood each year
A big part of the reason Dan Hickey and his wife, Jennie,
bought their house in Des Moines, Iowa, was for the
half-acre lot that came with it. It was highly unusual to find
that kind of space to roam right in town.
What he didn’t know was that his neighbor had a holiday
tradition that would affect Dan’s life to this day. That neighbor
was in the habit of building askating rink in his equally large
backyard as soon as the weather turned cold enough.
“I helped him for a couple of years, and my kids skated on
it and we all had a great time,” Dan says.
One spring, after the thaw, Dan helped his neighbor take
down all the boards and pull up the liner at the bottom. It
was the least he could do for all the enjoyment his family
had had that winter. Or so he thought.
“The next morning, I woke up and all the boards were in
my yard,” says Dan. And so was the box of
-odd pairs of
skates that the neighbor had collected over his time as
keeper of the ice. He had decided it was time to pass the
tradition on. That was fouryears ago.
Nowadays, Dan and his two sons, Sam and Clay, begin
putting the rink together at the beginning of December.
Then they watch the weather. When it freezes, they begin
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